30 March 2016: representative of the NGO Forum on Cambodia participated in the Technical Working Group on Agriculture and Water at the meeting room of Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry. The main agendas of this meeting are 1) to discuss nd endorse the work plan of TWG-AW for 2016, 2) Report on updating outputs and output indicators/targets linked to 5 year JMI outcome, 3) Toward for improvement of sustainable of irrigation system and 4)
Contract Farming Experiences and Key for success of the project on support to commercialization of Cambodia Rice. From the NGOF side, we have requested to TWG-AW secretary for included consultation on the draft of agriculture land law and annual national farmer forum activities. Especially, we have requested TWG-AW to update their functions for fitting to current situation of Cambodia development such as Industrial Development Plan 2015-2015, ASEAN integration 2015, Lower Middle Income Country 2018, Sustainable Development Goal 2015-203 and Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam Economic Development. Finally, we requested them to include private sectors to become member of TWG-AW.