The NGO Forum on Cambodia organized training on “OPERACY” which is trained by Mr. Christopher Lee, the author of OPERACY Book and Training, and HEDC International Human Development Specialist. at Human Earth Development Center (HEDC-Cambodia) from 26-28 August 2020 at NGO Forum’s office. The objective of this training is to provide the capacity development to the NGOF’s staff on the soft skill of “ OPERACY” including: • To equip NGOF’s staff’s capacity on the use the concept of success and development, personal empowerment • To improve personal performance, productivity, and satisfaction of staff. Team members in the workplace, family, and in the community by developing their social and emotional skills and enhancing their positive mindsets and habits. • Improving the self-regulation and confidence.
In the opening remark of this training, Dr. TEK Vannara emphasizes the Operacy training course that will provide opportunities to all NGOF staff and interns to improve their soft skills. He members that he used to be attended this training once in 1999. And now more than 20 years again here at NGOF together with all staff he can refresh this course with new updates of the course. He wishes all participants to have fruitful training and ask as much as questions to the trainer if they are not well clear or catch up during this training and hopefully, they can use what they have learnt to apply in our working place for successful in both work and social.