🌿🤝 From 9 to 11 February 2025!
NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) participated in a Study Tour with the Mondulkiri Family Rubber Community and capacity building on formic acid rubber freezing techniques 🧪🌳 in Mondulkiri Province! 🇰🇭
🎯 This initiative is part of the Fair for All (F4A) project by NGOF, in collaboration with the General Department of Rubber (GDR), WWF, and with financial support from Oxfam.
📚 The purpose of this study tour:
✅ Learn about techniques and experiences in preparing accounting records
✅ Understand the process of buying and selling rubber between the community and private rubber enterprises
✅ Build capacity on standard and quality rubber freezing techniques
🌏🤲 This engagement is paving the way for sustainable economic development in Cambodia!
#RubberCommunity #CapacityBuilding #FairForAll #NGOF #SustainableDevelopment #Mondulkiri #Cambodia #Oxfam #WWF #GDR #EconomicGrowth #CommunityEmpowerment