On December 28, 2021, the NGO Forum on Cambodia organized a Consultative Workshop on Community and Network for Forest Governance (N4F) Planning Integration which held at the Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh. There were 74 participants 14 females who from the civil society organizations which are NGOF, ICSO, AAC, BCV, FACT, CPN, OXFAM, NTFP and communities in protecting area, community fisheries, Prey Lang Community Network, Community Forestry, Eco-tourism communities and guest speakers.
The purpose of this workshop are:
• Provide opportunities for community forestry (CF), indigenous communities (CLT), Protected Areas (PA), Ecotourism communities, and fisheries communities to meet, discuss, and integrate key master plans with the secretariat of CSOs for natural resource governance and sustainable use. • Provide opportunities for communities to reflect on the role and governance of each community in the context of natural resource governance in accordance with the existing laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Cambodia. • Encourage communities that have done well on natural resource governance to disseminate good practices to other communities in the Kingdom of Cambodia. Mr. OUK Vannara, Deputy Executive Director of the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF)
Our meeting today found that many of the challenges raised were in line with the NGOF, the Secretariat for Coordinating Land and Forestry Governance. Today, of course, we are working together to promote the implementation of past activities, such as the registration of indigenous collective lands, and we will continue this work in collaboration with the relevant ministries for next year. The challenges continue to be addressed through the LAHRiN network, and work related to protected areas is strengthening communities as mentioned by the panel, as well as community forestry and the team will take what’s discussed as a priority activity for 2022. Participants are encouraged to continue to gather information on their goals, compiling a report on what the challenges are as important evidence for discussion with stakeholders and the team will determine the priority activities; the team will discuss and respond to you as much as possible. The day meeting was a resounding success with the active participation of the participants.