The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held annually. For 2022, the AGM fell on the 21st November 2022. The meeting was held for half-day from 8:30 to 16:00 with a tough schedule as shown in the Agenda. The meeting was held in DK Meeting Centre, Phnom Penh, with 47 (13 females) participants actively participating (Annex 2). Some other important participants participated from long-distance, by Zoom. Ms. Cheav Sivkheng, NGOF, was the meeting master ceremony. At the beginning of the day, she invited delegates to chair the event. They are: • Mrs. Pry Phally Phuong, Head of Management Committee of the NGOF; and Executive Director of BCV • Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director, NGOF • Mr. Som Chetana, Finance Unit Manager, the NGOF • Mr. Pheap Sophea, Manager of NATGO, the NGOF
To start the event, Ms. Sivkheng briefly provided objectives of the meeting. While all delegates and the participants were settled, Ms. Sivkheng, Master Ceremony, NGOF, facilitated the meeting in accordance with the proposed Agenda. First of all, she invited all the participants to pay respect to the music of the National Anthem.
Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director, NGOF, summarized achievements made by the NGOF of the year 2022, and he broadly admired all collaboration among the stakeholders. He declared that the NGOF is for all. So, everyone is encouraged to actively participate in the NGOF mandates for future successes.
The three key speakers, from the NGOF, MOP, and consultant provided their comprehensive presentations followed by interestingly important questions and comments from the participants. After presentations made by the invited three speakers, there were lots of clarifications and active discussions among the participants.
Dr. Vannara briefly summarized (wrapped up): • The Annual General Meeting was welcomed and opened speech by Mrs. Pry; • Updates of the NGOF, by Dr. Tek Vannara, on the progresses of the last year, • Mr. Som Chetana, the NGOF, informed the total of budget spent in the year 2022 by the NGOF activities; • Election of new Member Committee: three people will start their roles from the 21 November 2022 till the next two years. The Reserved candidate will automatically take the roles if any elected candidate resigned • Presentations of the MOP and the consultant; • The NGOF and relevant ministries collaborated to work on CSGD implementation and will report to UN; • In the afternoon, the meeting worked on the study on CC and Q&A. The study report will be on the NGOF website from the 21st November 2022. He encouraged the participants to look at it for future references. He underlined that the sustainability of the Tonle Sap would sustain many other sectors including tourism.
He declared the AGM closed with the wishes of healthy and success to the participants.