Mr. Ouk Vannara, Deputy Executive Director of The NGO Forum on Cambodia attended the regional meeting on V4MF annual review and planning hosted by RECOFTC at its regional office in Kasetsart University, Bangkok (Thailand), on 16-18 December 2019 with 32 participants who are V4MF partners from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam.
The main objective of the meeting are 1)-To capitalize achievements and contributed changes towards improved forest governance, particularly related to (i) Policy, Legal & Institutional frameworks; (ii) Planning and decision-making processes and (iii) Implementation, Enforcement and Compliance, 2)-To reflect on lessons learned and derived recommendations for future interventions, and 3)- To agree on priorities and action plan to pave the way forward, particularly 2020.
During the meeting, Mr. Ouk Vannara shared a reflective learning on non-state actor engagement in REDD+ highlighting key points as below: 1. NGOF’ Working Mechanism and Approach 2. REDD+ context in short. Where it is in REDD+ process? 3. How do NSAs engage in REDD+? 4. Any mechanisms for NSA use to advocate? 5. What have been done for capacity building to NSA? 6. What should be done differently?