The NGO Forum on Cambodia co-organized with international and national NGOs which hosted Regional Conference on Land and Natural Resource Governance. This event was organized at Raffle Le Royal Hotel in Phnom Penh and via virtual meeting (Zoom meeting) from 26-27 October, 2021. There were 150 participants from Phnom Penh, Preah Sihanouk Province, Kampot Province and Koh Kong Province. This meeting, there were honor guests who presented by HE Dr. Ek Buntha, Deputy Director General of the General Department of Cultural Technology of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts. Mr. Sok Sothy, Deputy Governor of Koh Kong Province, represented Lok Chumteav Mithona Phuthong, Governor of Koh Kong Provincial Board of Governors. His Excellency Bel Kosal, Deputy Governor of Kampot Province, Representative of Kampot Provincial Governor. HE Ngin Chenda, Deputy Governor of Kep Province, Representative of Kep Provincial Governor. Mr. Ung Try, Deputy Director of the National Fisheries Administration and President of the Cambodian Fisheries Network of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Mr. Hong Raksmey, Country Director of ActionA. Mr. Roeun Reth, Director of Kampot Provincial Network of Civil Society Organizations, as well as representatives of relevant departments, units, NGOs, private sector researchers and communities in the provinces and cities as mentioned above.
The objective of this meeting are: 1. To provide opportunities for local community representatives, civil society, government officials at both national and sub-national levels, the National Assembly, the Senate, the private sector, research institutions and development partners to have frankly discussions on land, housing and natural resource management to achieve sustainable development 2. Jointly develop input reports to contribute to the Royal Government of Cambodia, the National Assembly, the Senate and other relevant partners to improve laws, policies and practices and the effectiveness of land and natural resource governance to achieve the plan and poverty reduction strategy according to the 2030 strategic goals
In welcoming speech, Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director of the NGO Forum on Cambodia, said that today’s regional conference is to join the Cambodian government in strengthening laws and policies related to land, housing and natural resources. By improving and strengthening the implementation of policies, laws and regulations aimed at promoting land and natural resource governance, with a focus on addressing social impacts and protecting the environment and sustainable livelihoods of local communities.