International Women's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women were recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. This year 2017,03 March, from staffs of the NGO Forum organize the 106th International Women’s Day to visiting on agricultural cooperative in Sankat Khmougn, Khan Sensok, Phnom Penh Cambodia. We departure around 7:30 AM to reach Sangkat Khmougn, and we also aim to learn about the successful story of women. The trip facilitate by the World Vision Cambodia.
The visiting of NGO Forum’s staff aims to promote and raise the awareness of equal rights between women and men; as well as learn about the challenges, lesson learnt, best practices of women and men at the ground; and to reflect staff of understanding and practice to promote gender mainstreaming in their activities.
Firstly, Dr. TEK Vannara, Executive Director of NGO Forum, mentions the history of Resettlement Action Network (RAN) of the NGO Forum network in the past time that advocate for resettlement compensation which related to National road 01, Dey Krahom community, White Building Community…etc. Another he reflect to works of the NGO Forum in the promoting Women in the working environment, and this year under theme is “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”.
Ms. Bunna, Chief of Sen Sok Rongreung community and representative of World Vision Cambodia. She shared her success story in producing household products, such Soap, Soap dishes, fruit juice production, jewelry beads, flowers, Snacks for workshop and saving credit/loan for group of members.