On 31 October 2024, the NGO Forum on Cambodia and the Fair For ALL Project Partners co-organized National Dialogue on “A Better Protection for Worker and Farmer in Rubber and Banana Value Chains” in Phnom Penh.
The main purpose of this dialogue is to address the current challenges facing women, small-scale rubber workers, workers and community forestry. In addition, the dialogue aims to celebrate achievements and highlight good practices from key stakeholders, including governments and companies that support producers and workers. Promote a culture of multilateral dialogue to address issues effectively. Provide a forum for rubber producers and agricultural workers, especially women, to discuss their concerns and network with others.
FAIR for ALL is a project that promotes a sustainable trade value chain across the banana and rubber sector that is environmentally and equitable for smallholder farmers and agricultural workers, especially women, by including protection. Human rights and environmental protection in Cambodia under the technical and financial support of OXFAM Cambodia.
"Join us in tackling the challenges that women, small-scale rubber plantation workers, and forestry communities." Congratulations on the achievements in promoting this multilateral dialogue.