The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF), in collaboration with Transparency International Cambodia (TIC), the Cambodian Agricultural Workers Federation (CAWF), and the Farmers and Nature Network (FNN), jointly organized a multi-stakeholder dialogue on sustainable trade and value chains in the banana and rubber sectors in Cambodia, with participants from the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce of Kratie and Tbong Khmum provinces, the National Social Security Bureau of Kampong Cham, Tbong Khmum and Kratie provinces, civil society organizations, and employee representatives, totaling 36 people, including 11 women. The purpose of the dialogue was to raise awareness about the needs and challenges of workers in the banana and rubber agro-industrial sector for their fundamental rights, social protection, and workplace safety principles, and to encourage stakeholders to pay attention to the challenges and needs of social protection and safety equipment during the work of workers in the banana and rubber sectors. Provides a platform for workers in the banana and rubber sectors to raise their challenges to decision-makers, including the relevant departments and employers, to engage in solutions for workers. Provides an opportunity for discussion and action to implement fiscal policy accountability, including responsible taxation and investment, supply chain law and fair prices in the banana and rubber industries in Cambodia, and to exchange knowledge, experiences, good practices, studies and multi-stakeholder dialogue to support supply chains and fair prices in the banana and rubber industries in Cambodia.
The dialogue was held on 8 October 2024 with technical and financial support from Oxfam and the Swedish government’s Diakonia.