Government Officials, representatives from Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, and Ministry of Rural Development with CSO representatives of Oxfam, Mlup Baitong, NTFP-EP, CIPO, ICSO, DPA and PKH conducted an exposure visit to Preah Vihea, Stoeung Treng and Ratanakiri province to studies on the experience of natural resources management (protected area and forestry) and the perception of sub-national government officials on the amendment laws on natural protected area law and forestry law.
The visit attributed of local communities in natural resources protection, challenges, and suggestions related to community forestry, community protected area, and communal land title, and strengthen the cooperation between CSOs and Government at both national and sub-national level for addressing concerns of local communities and issues of natural resources protection. The visit held on 01 - 05 April 2019 and coordinated by The NGO Forum on Cambodia.