
Mr Tek Vannara, executive director of the NGO FORUM on Cambodia (NGOF) participated in the New Development of Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the New Era-International Think Tank Forum. Main topics were discussed are 1) Economic development and opening up to the win -win outcomes; 2) Regional stability and comprehensive security; 3) The model of multilateral cooperation and path innovation and 4) The Shanghai Spirit and community of shared destiny.As a guest speaker in the forum, Mr Vannara mentioned on the model of multi stakeholder dialogue between Chinese Chamber of Commerce, ministry of environment of China and the INGO/CSO on the guidelines of Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR), Natural Rubber Plantation and Chinese Oversea Environmental Impact Assessment which relevant stakeholders recognized as a good tool to make all stakeholder understand on the whole pictures of project development, reduces of conflicts and ensure long tern benefits of development, especially it can contributes to ensure good quality of development project, good cooperation and happiness among stakeholders. There are 100 participants who come from 18 countries which represented state, academy, research institute, private sector and INGO/NGO. This forum organized by Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on 26 March 2018 at the Grand Hotel Beijing, China.<:>