Advocacy strategy on climate change policy influence into CDP/CIP was initiated by NGOF and Southern Voice on Adaptation in order to find the best strategy for NECA members to work at both national and sub-national for influencing the CCA consideration and implementation in the commune level where is the CC prone area. During the consultation workshop at the end of 2015; we had been selecting 12 CSO members in 32 commune target area for initial step.
In this second quarterly meeting, there are 31 participants (6 women) participated. This meeting was conducted on 30-31 May 2017. The meeting was discussed 1) CSO inputs for Sustainable Development Goals for the Kingdom of Cambodia 2) Updates ACCC Strategic Plan and Actions 3) How to track the Climate Change Mainstreaming in Commune / Sangkat Development Plan 4) 7S Framework 5) Capacity Building Opportunity for CBOs 6) Election for new Steering Committee.
This meeting was starting with update from NECA members who active working on climate change and environment issue with grass root as well as the progress of CCA mainstreaming into CIP/CDP from respective target area. Would be significant highlighting that under SVA activity; we focus on in this year on CCA mainstreaming into CIP/CDP by using the JPA principles. So far a three days training had been conducted to 37 participants from NGOs Environment and Climate Change Alliance (NECA) of The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) from Battambang, Banteay MeanChey, Kratie, Prey Veng, Rattanak Kiri, Kompong Cham, Takeo, Kompong Thom, Kompong Speu, Tbong Khom, Pursat and Phnom aiming 1) to improve capacity and knowledge of NECA members, CBOs, local authorities and concern stakeholders on understanding of the climate change concept and mainstreaming tools including VRA, CDP/CIP formulation process, and JPA 2) to strengthen sub-national engagement to apply concept and principle of climate change mainstreaming tools into their works in address climate change issues. In order to deep understanding, we at last day of workshop had an outdoor field practice the VRA and JPA tools for climate change mainstreaming into CIP/CDP.In addition, Mr. Keo Bunly, Development Policy Monitoring Project Coordinator of NGO Forum and is Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focal person. In July 2017, Ministry of Planning (MoP) will adopt the SDGs goals into Cambodian Sustainable Development Goals (CSDGs). Cambodia will assess the implementation of the 2030 agenda on Sustainable development Goals. As NGO Forum on Cambodia facilitates the engagement of diverse groups of NGOs in Cambodia, we offer our perspectives on the draft indicators for the SDGs under in- depth review.
NGOF coordinated NGOs to discuss the draft ‘CSDG List of Indicators’. Each goal, target, and indicator along with their definitions and means of verification were reviewed. It is hoped that the results from our discussions will become additional inputs for respective TWGs and Ministry of Planning (MoP) to ensure inclusive consultation and development framework. The CSO perspective on the draft CSDG indicators contained in this paper addresses each goal and provides general comments and specific comments.
As results; we had developed the drafted CSO papers including goal #13 on climate change and consolidated to MoP.
As a consortium to NGOF; Mr. Nop Polin joint us by providing the comprehensive presentation on refreshing Joint Principle Adaption (JPA) and how we could record the CCA mainstreaming for sub-national, especially Commune Development Planning. There are two sheets had been discussed and agreed by participants that suggesting them to fill up the very visible information with the specific activities and relevant commitments to support local community and authorities aiming develop the commune development planning integrating the CCA concept based on CCA mainstream guidelines.
Meanwhile; Mr. Yun Sina, Plan International Cambodia, he is implementing Mainstreaming Climate Resilience into Development Planning and Civil Society Component which also invited to share us the 7S framework. This framework can describes how affectively one can organize a company, holistically. It is based around seven key elements of any organization, with the view that in order for it to operate successfully, all the elements in this model must align synergistically together, shared values are the pinnacle of the model, therefore in any organization. They form the underpinning culture, strategy, effectiveness, performance and linking to every other element in this framework. They link all that is of the organization: how people behave and structure in its systems and so on. Based on practical experience, this 7S has been introduced and complied among his partners for mainstreaming CCA into operation plan as well.
Ms. Chea Lyli a Grassroots Networking Advisor from East-West Management Institute -USAID Contractor-Cambodian Civil Society Strengthening Project had been contributed to NECA meeting through providing the funding opportunity to groups interested in obtaining operational support and organizational capacity development assistance.
As a big agenda of this meeting; we NECA members are welcome a new 9 NECA steering committee members who just have elected. Also honorable welcoming to Mr. Sam Sovann from NRD and Mr. Hean Sovanndara from TDSP to be a respective chair and vice chairman of NECA steering committee. Based on ToR of NECA; the new mandate of steering committee will be effective for 2 years from 2017 to 2019.