On 11-12 November 2021, The NGOF convenes the Annual General Member Meeting and Annual Network Reflection Meeting at the last quarter of the year. All the members of The NGOF are invited for the meeting to share their past one year experiences, challenges, and future action plans. The key objectives of the meeting, for this year, are: • Updating on the results and challenges of the past one year of The NGOF Members; • Prepare Annual Action Plans of each Program of The NGOF for 2022. There was total of 131 participants (46 of them are females) attended day 1 (11 November 2021) and 52 participants (19 of them are females) attended on day 2 (12 November 2021). In short, the results of the Annual General Meeting include: • The participants are aware of the results and challenges made in the past one year; • Draft Action Plans, with new inputs from the members, of each Program of The NGOF of the year 2022 produced.
Opening Speech: Mr. Run Saray, Member of MC and Executive Director of LAC Having paid respects to His Excellency Poch Sovanndy, a representative from the Ministry of Planning and the Monk, Mr. Saray welcomed the participants and notified the objectives of the meeting, which to share concerns and results of the past achievement and look for better solutions in the future. He underlined that the representative from the Ministry of Planning will summarize progress up to date of NSDP (2019 - 2023) and the other main agenda that include: • Presentation on a study on Mid-Term Review of the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) 2019-2023: NSDP in the context of a pandemic: Inclusive Participation and Strategic Priorities Response within the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic, • Sharing the ASEAN Guidelines on Responsible Agricultural Investments, and • Cambodia Recovery Framework, 2021 – 2023.
Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director of The NGOF Dr. Vannara noticed to the floor that the event is the most important day for members to meet and to share their progress, challenges, and future action plans. He paid his warm welcome and respects to all Respected Ladies and Gentlemen. He thanked all the participants for their kind efforts for the past year. He notified the participants that more than 85% of the planned work plans were achieved by the day of the meeting. He provided a comprehensive report on The NGOF implementation for the last year. Among others, Dr. Vannara emphasized 58 main outputs and activities, and the most important ones.
The presentation sessions included three key presentations from government agencies, the Ministry of Planning and Ministry of Economy and Finance, and one private partner. They provided their inputs to the participants for references, specifically for the group discussions and drafting action plans for the year to come. The meeting was also a good chance for the selection of the new Management Committee (MC). The selection processes were made through the provided link for the participants to vote. The results of voting showed the selected new MCs are
Mr. Hong Reaksmey (Country Director of ActionAids Cambodia), Mrs. Pry Phally Phuong (Executive Director of Building Community Voice, BCV), and Mrs. Mak Monika (Executive Director of Cambodian Disabled People’s Organization). With the sample form provided by Mr. Ouk Vannara, Deputy Executive Director of The NGOF, which includes indicated Outcome, Outputs, Key Actors, Timeframes, and estimated budget, the discussion groups provided their draft Action Plans of each program of The NGOF for the next coming year. The discussion groups that presented their draft action plans are:
• Network for Forestry (N4F), • Network for Environment and Climate Change Alliance (NECA), • Agriculture Working Group (AWG), • WATNET/RCC (River Coalition in Cambodia), and • LAHRiN.
Closing Speech of Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director, The NGFO
Dr. Tek Vannara gave his brief speech for the “Closing Session” as follows. Having paid respects to all the participants, and specific respect to the Monk from Wildlife Sanctuary of Oddar Meanchey, he began his closing speech by thanking all the participants for their efforts of the previous two days. He, also, warmly welcomed the new three Management Committees, who were just elected during the earlier time of the meeting. Dr. Vannara further encouraged the network members to be open and direct in communication with the NGOF staff. He suggested that all members to bring issues, if any, to Secretariat of all network members for further actions. He strongly recommended that all members should closely work together for a stronger One-Voice. He encouraged open and direct discussions with relevant persons. He, also, suggested that the participants should be learning the nature of all 23 NGOF staff to work with them and respond to any arising issues at any times for immediate requests. Dr. Vannara stressed that in the next 3 years, The NGOF will build the capacity of the staff, especially at subnational levels, for CSO and government institutions to work together smoothly. The NGOF stays forward and encourages your solidarity with the program staff and for better commitment.
Also, Dr. Vannara, once again, thanked all the participant efforts of the last year. From the past experiences, we will work for better, he stated. He encouraged that The NGOF is the institution for all, so, direct provisions, comments, and issues from the participants to The NGOF are welcomed. The NGOF really like to have your feedback for better and improvement, he underlined. Definitely, The NGOF is, and will be with you for common issues, he further stressed.
He, finally, thanked and wished the participants to have successful duties, and have a safe trip back home and declared the meeting closed.