Phnom Penh, 16-17 October 2019 the 8th National Farmer Forum was organized in conjunction with the Cambodia Food Security and Security Development Network (NDF-C) and partners including ActionAid, BCV, Caritas Cambodia, Caritas Switzerland, CAVAC, CEDAC, CRF, DCA, DFAT, DPA, FAO, FCA, GiZ, FNN, HEIFER, HEKS, IFAD, LWD, NGO Forum on Cambodia, Oxfam, Khmer Rice, SDC, SNV, Star Cambodia , PIN, UNDP - GEF SGP, WEeffect, World Renew, Grow Asia / CPSA and WVC. The forum lasts for two days from October 16-17, 2019 at Tonle Bassac 2 Restaurant in Phnom Penh on the theme: "To give farmers enough access to invest in agriculture." The objectives of the forum are: 1) Enhance the agribusiness environment with multidisciplinary collaboration and collaboration in reviewing and updating support methods to benefit farmers and farming communities. 2) Encourage the implementation of relevant policies to support farmers and farming communities, especially women, so that they have greater access to capital and markets. 3) Strengthen cooperation and partnerships between farmers, communities, agriculture, the private sector, government institutions, civil society and development partners.
Welcome Speech by Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director of NGO Forum on Cambodia on behalf of the Food Security and Security Development Network (NDF-C) in Cambodia of the 8th National NGO Forum, a national and international NGO organization. All 28 organizations, I would like to express my warmest welcome to the presence of the President, who has taken the busy time to honor the 8th National Farmers Forum under the theme "Promoting Multilateral Partnership." It is important for farmers to have enough money to invest in agriculture”. I would like to welcome Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs, Ladies and Gentlemen, representatives of the Royal Government, development partners, international organizations, teachers, students, and farmers from provinces across Cambodia. Massive nationalism today and tomorrow. The forum is a mechanism to seek and engage in dialogue with all stakeholders, national and sub-national government representatives, farmers, 25 provinces, cities, civil society and the private sector to share their experiences with each other. Explore effective strategies and solutions and enhance collaboration in responding to problems of capital and markets in agricultural production. Once again on behalf of the 8th National Farmer Forum, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the high presence of the President, the Government agencies and relevant institutions who have always cooperated well with the organization and Civil society.
Ms. Yann Srey Yat, Outstanding Female Farmer Representative, spoke at the 8th National Farmers Forum, an important event that provides opportunities for farmers and farming communities, government, private sector development partners, civil society and higher education institutions to discuss. Discuss and explore common strategies for achieving this goal A multilateral partner to enable farmers to afford the agricultural investment in Cambodia. I would like to express my appreciation for the intervention of the Royal Government, the private sector and development partners who have responded to the challenges of farmers and the farming community after the first National Farmer Forum to the 7. Those achievements include:
1. Water Achievements: • Irrigation rehabilitation, irrigation canals, and irrigation maintenance. • The community is officially registered by the Ministry of Water Resources. • Assist in water pumping for drought-affected rice in some provinces. • Strengthen the capacity of FWUCs in community operations.
2. Capital Achievements: • Strengthen and expand the business in the farming community, improving the lives of its members. • Facilitate farmers to communicate with stakeholders (NGOs, private sector and government). • Labor retention in the agricultural community.
3. Marketing Achievements: • Contract farming (with the support of government and stakeholders) • Facilitate international and local market linkages. • Information technology marketing.
At the same time, there are some challenges that our farmers and farming communities are facing and requesting the intervention of the following multilateral partners:
1. Water Challenges: • Community capacity for irrigation management on water allocation and maintenance repairs is limited. • Limited annual income planning, financial management and financial reporting of the FWUC. • Collaboration and support from a number of authorities in recognition of community registration and limited contribution collection.
2. Capital challenges: • High-interest rates from microfinance institutions and public and private banks. • Agricultural community members' investment capital is limited. • Limited external control and mobility of members. • The government does not have a comprehensive policy for agricultural product insurance.
3. Marketing Challenges: • A broker is a price setter. • Supply does not meet standards (quality and quantity). • Non-compliance with the contract between seller and buyer. • The cost of production is high (production is not profitable).
Oknha Song Saran, president of the Cambodian Rice Federation, said that the vision of the Cambodian Rice Federation is to transform the Cambodian rice sector into a sustainable, profitable and market-oriented sector to satisfy consumers and Implementation of modern technology. The Federation of Cambodian Rice Federation has its mandate to: • Improve the efficiency of agricultural techniques and milling. • Reduce production costs and increase exports. • Enhance the Code of Conduct in the whole rice sector, which values the investment and implementation of the highest ethical standards in our dealings with stakeholders.
Oknha Song Saran said that, with the support and coordination of the Ministry of Commerce, the Cambodian Rice Federation had organized a 25-member general assembly and election, three of which were representatives from the farmer community to fill the vacancy. From the perspective and mission of the rice sector, we have identified two major objectives.
Closing Speech by H.E Khoy Sokha, High Representative H.E Chea Vandeth, Chairman of the National Assembly's Agricultural, Rural Development, Water and Environmental and Water Resources Planning Committee and Distribution of Thanks Certificate to Partner Organizations for Contributing to the 8th National Farmer Forum with this valuable activity through the strengthening of partnership between farmers, communities, agriculture cooperative, the private sector, government institutions, civil society, development partners, and the Third Committee of the National Assembly to promote agricultural work in Cambodia.