On May 29, 2019, The NGO Forum on Cambodia facilitate 2nd Quarterly Meeting on Network for Development of Food Security and Safety in Cambodia (NDF-C) which organized at Khemara Hotel 1, Battam Bang Province. The were 19 participants (7 females) from KWWA, VSG, KAWP, FIDAC, EPDO, CTOD, AFD, RAO, CCD, GOLD PALM, OREDA, AS, NRD, KWRH, PVT and NGO Forum.
The Purpose of Meeting were: • Update the performance of the network members’ common challenges and solutions • Examination of completed network activities and continuous planning • Organizing the 8th Farmers Forum
First of all, Ms. Yous Thy, Director of KWWA and the Committee of NDF-C, facilitated the meeting with all the members who were invited and briefed purpose of meeting and results. This 2nd NDF-C meeting, were introduce the new presence of Mr. Met Farit who in charge of NDF-C secretariat, as well as we gain more new members which are RAO, CTOD and CCD.
Then Mr. Met Frait, share the last minutes of 1st NDF-C for reviewing, and outlining the action plans for discussion in following: • Sending a network membership table • Network Terms & Conditions • Approval of RAO, CTOD and CCD membership applications • Organizing 8th farmers forum