The NGO Forum on Cambodia


Partnerships for Sustainable Growth

Socio-Economic Equity Development Programme

Natural Resource Governance Programme

Research M&E and Communication

Governance and Management (GM)

Secretariat and Networking


IP Consultation Workshop

On Thursday, October 12, 2019, at the Tonle Bassac 2 Restaurant in Phnom Penh, the NGO Forum on Cambodia in cooperation with the Ministry of Rural Development, UNOHCHR, ICSO, CIPO, My Village, CLEC, HEKS, FLO, CIYA, DPA, IRAM Network, CIPA, NTFP, NTFP-EP and CEDAC in organizing consultative workshops to plan a strategy on conservation and development of indigenous peoples. The workshop was attended by about 350 participants from the Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, Ministry of Women's Affairs, civil society organizations, national and international organizations, researchers, community development partners, indigenous peoples, commune authorities and media ...
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Consultative Workshops to Plan A Strategy on Conservation and Development of Indigenous Peoples

On Thursday, October 12, 2019 at the Tonle Bassac 2 Restaurant in Phnom Penh, the NGO Forum on Cambodia in cooperation with the Ministry of Rural Development, UNOHCHR, ICSO, CIPO, My Village, CLEC, HEKS, FLO, CIYA, DPA, IRAM Network, CIPA, NTFP, NTFP-EP and CEDAC in organizing consultative workshops to plan a strategy on conservation and development of indigenous peoples. The workshop was attended by about 350 participants from the Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, civil society organizations, national and international organizations, researchers, community development partners, indigenous peoples, commune authorities and media ...
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Annual Regional Non-State Actors Forum for V4MF

The Voices for Mekong Forests (V4MF) project, funded by the European Union, aims to strengthen the voices of nonstate actors in forest governance. The project host event on Engaging people in forest governance in the Greater Mekong Annual Regional Non-State Actors Forum in Bangkok 23-25 September 2019 at Kasetsart University, Ku Home, Bangkok, Thailand which participate partners from Cambodia, Thailand, Loa PDR, Vietnam and Myanmar. It is for the first time of the Forum include a learning fair and a communication workshop. Open, Mr. Robin, V4MF Coordinator, welcome all participants active participate and introduced and update on each organization and ...
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Dissemination Workshop on CSDG and NDSP

On 20th September 2019 at COFAF office, Kompong Thom province. Under support from NPA, The NGO Forum on Cambodia has sub-contracted a package to Cooperation For alleviation of the Poverty Organization (KOFAP) hosted a meeting spreading the knowledge about the importance of Cambodia Sustainable Development Goals (CSDGs). The first activity of the project is conducted Disseminate the CSDGs and NSDP with Network members and stakeholder event which will be held in Kampong Thom. There were 18 participants (4 Female) from Provincial NGO network’s members, commune authorities and youths. Mr. Buntheng, Executive Director of COFAF, was introduced on CSDG: From 2000 ...
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Public Forum on Public Financial Management (PFM) and Citizen Participation

The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) co-organized with NGOs on BWG which such as ANSA, STAR Kampuchea, Oxfam, GADC, NEP, Save the Children, Transparency International, CRC World Vision Cambodia and YRDP hosted a Public Forum on Public Financial Management (PFM) and Citizen Participation on September 17, 2019 at Tonle Bassac 2 Restaurant. The forum was attended by 217 participants (53 women) from the representative of Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Economy and Finance and development partners, EU, GIZ, ADB, NGOs, journalists and students from universities. The forum has the following objectives: 1) Create a platform for engagement between CSOs to ...
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Coordinating Committee Member