Phnom Penh, February 12, 2015: A number of NGOs comprised of NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF), Advocacy and Policy Institute (API), Development & Partnership in Action (DPA) and Community Legal Education Center (CLEC) together with an Independent Consultant had a meeting with Minister of Environment (MoE) to discuss the draft law of Access to Information focused on Natural Resource Management and the Environment.
The NGOs representatives presented the result of the legal analysis with the recommendations to MoE, which is also a member of inter-ministerial technical committee on the draft law on Access to Information. There were optimistic feedback from the minister and further coordination between NGOs and MoE on this draft development is planned.
“We have received a positive outcomes after the presentation. We hope NGOs and government will be able to work together, particularly, on the progress of the Access to Information’s draft law and on natural resource management and environment. This could provide benefit to the Cambodian citizens, if we manage to do it properly with feedback from the NGOs and communities themselves,” said Mr. Tek Vannara, NGOF’s ED.