In the context of the Cambodia Millennium Development Goals (CMDG) a ninth goal on mine clearace was added by Government. Today over 150 participations from CSOs, development partners and relevant governmental agencies consulted on "CSO Perspective on Cambodia Development Framework Beyond 2015". The meeting took place over two days, 22-23 May 2013 at Cambodiana Hotel, with the support of NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGO Forum) in partnership with UNFPA and Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC).
Recently thematic discussions of CSOs were held in Bonn, Germany from 20-22 March 2013 and in Bali, Indonesia on 23-24 March with a stakeholder outreach day on 25 March with a high level panel on the post 2015 development agenda. The thematic focuses from these consultations for post 2015 were: 1) promoting social inclusion and human development including equality and equity, 2) economic growth and development, 3) ecological development – promoting environmental sustainability, 4) inclusive partnership and governance and 5) human rights to development as center for development. Each thematic highlighted vision, issues and goals which were discussed among key presenters and participants in the meeting.
Mr. Ngin Saoroth, Executive Director of CDPO and Management Committee of NGO Forum, briefed the meeting on the result of the TWGs meeting, and Development Issues Forum (DIF) Network meeting. He opened the meeting which led to fruitful discussion.
Mr. Tek Vannara, Deputy Executive Director, spoke in the group presentation on the topic of ecological development – promoting environmental sustainability. There were several recommendations and issues:
- Development projects need to ensure accountability and transparency for equality in development for the people who live inside and outside areas.
- Many issues arise from the lack of quality Environment Impact Assessments (EIA), and thus the EIA should have clear standards and study plans on the impact to people and environment, and a proper compensation is paid.
- The company needs to pay environmental services for rehabilitation of the environment that is destroyed by their own company. This is a type of green fund for restoration of the ecological system and environment for sustainable development,
- Government should have clear plans on urban and rural development, wetland and water resource management by rule of law.
There were several sessions and thematic workshops for these meetings, for any further information please see contact details for NGO Forum and CCC.
The meeting ended 12:15 mm with fruitful discussion and recommendation.