On 23-27 June 2020, the NGOF has organized its mid-year program reflection with 25 staffs including 5 females aiming to : 1)- To increase awareness on policy implementation, 2)-To strengthen staff capacity on outcome harvesting and preparation for finalizing six months report, 3)-To review key priorities and revise operational plan and budget, and 4)-To maintain good working environment and team building.
As results, five main outputs have been produced from the mid-year program reflection. Those include: 1)- Staff would aware on policy implementation and be able to comply to the policy, 2)-Staff have capacity to produce quality report, 3)-Finalized six-month narrative report based on comments from the NGOF’s executive management on 17th June 2020, 4)-Finalized the six-month operational plan and budget for July-Dec.2020, and 5)-Maintained good team spirit among the NGOF’s staffs as they have got time to relax, team building creation, and reflection on their past actions as well as taking initiatives making things better in order to move forward with the long journey with the NGOF’s families.
At the end of day 4, Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director of NGOF, made a closing remark by expressing his sincere thanks and appreciation to all staff members who work hard for these 4 days. He summarized on the main achievements which have been made by all of the team members during the 5-day mid-year program reflection. One of the main achievements is that our staffs has learned more about good experience form the Chambok eco-tourism community. We gained more knowledge of community development and understood more about community challenges related to community forest protection. He expressed that another key achievement is that we have finalized a draft narrative report of program’s outcome harvesting for last 6-month (Jan-June 2020) as well as finalized the revision of next 6-month operational plan and budget for July – Dec 2020 to adapt and cope with the current situation of COVID 19 pandemic. Last but not least, he highlighted that we achieved network reflection as it helped our secretariat to better understands their role and importance for the member as well as to pay more attention to their role and responsibility. Finally, the mid-year program reflection was happily ended with a good team spirit as the staffs have expressed their enthusiasm to move forward with a new energy toward achieving the implementation of the next 6-month (July-Dec.2020) program activities. For detail, please see detail progress of mid-year program reflection in following pages of this report.
The meeting was also updated the COVID-19 situation and its project activity implementation, particularly prevention activity from COVID-19 on the ground. Furthermore, there was a discussing on the main agenda to be discussed and informed in the second NDF-C quarterly meeting that will be organized shortly.