27 participants, who are NGO representatives, parliamentarian members and their assistant of the first commission of National Assembly, were participated in the meeting on Tuesday 2 March 2016 to update and follow up the land dispute and finding the cooperation between National Assembly and NGOs as well as the relevance stakeholders. The following cases and discussion are results as per below information:
Boueng Pram land conflict in Boeung Pram commune, Bavel district, Battambang province was recognized by first commission as a complicated case due to the conflict between the people and people. One group of the people they have the land, but no the land certificate, and another group have the certificate, but no land. 250 formers of soldiers do not get the farm land. In responding to the case, provincial governor of Battambang wanted to provide the land to the people group who has the certificate, and for the people group who has no the certificate will provide another plot of land at other side as social land concession. The first commission will request the government to build a good infrastructure in the new area so that they feel safeguard. The first commission committed to work together with Government and NGOs to solve issues.
The case on sugarcane is taking place in three provinces of Koh Kong, Kampong Speu, and Odor Meanchhey province. The issues happened between affected community and Lyong Phat Company. So far, EU has supported in conduct research and investigation, and the result has been sent to the inter-ministerial, but up to know do not get the reply from the ministries yet. The first commission suggested to send the letter to the Prime Minister and to page of Samdach Hun Sen.
Union Development Group (UDG) case was reported by NGO in regarding to the compensation for the new resettlement for the people group. It has happened in Koh Kong province. It occurred since 2008 by the government had provided the land for concession and started development in 2009 by UDG. There are 70 percent of people have settled in a new land, and the rest 30 percent are claiming to find the tiny cut for land. The tiny cut, there were different study from different sector such as from NGOs, Lyong Phat Company and ministry of environment, and however the study finds the different result. In addition, for the outside who has bought the land in area were also affected due to RGC has issued to cut that land. The idea on tiny tiger cut has no exception, but the local authorities, ministry of environment raised that it was very difficult and should be canceled. The first commission thanked to NGO for raising the concern and confirmed of willing to solve the problem which compensation will take into account.
Land dispute in Thmor Da commune, Veal Veng district, Pursat province were reported to the first commission which conflict has started since 2010 after the RGC provided the Economic Land Concession to company, named MDS. The land size is 2565 hectare within three villages (Sangkhum Thmey, Kandal and Eka Pheap village). 97 affected households with totally 2058 people, including 1001 women have claimed through ADHOC. So far there was the coordination conducted by authorities, the number conflict decreased from 97 to 23 households. The remained 23 households have claimed to the provincial authorities, nonetheless the process is still pending until now and remarkably the numbers of claimers has increased to 26. First commission informed of the 23 remained is being serious affected, so far they has written two intervention letters to the provincial governor, but not reply yet. The intervention letter to MoI seems confirm of Pursat authorities do not have the willingness to solve the problems.
The case of lower Sesan 2 has been raised which 35% of the people haven’t got the compensation yet, and all of them dare to die to protect their land. NGO requested the first commission to investigate the quality and RGC should follow the new resettlement in 2 to 5 years more so that community feel strong enough and that should be a consensus on the forest areas which they can use together. The first commission suggested NGOs to help to mobilize community to get the compensation, and then discuss more step of provide the cost for compensation.
Great thanks to RGC in decision making of ELC cancellation. The cancellation may still concern about the approaches for governing the canceled-Land and the first commission of national assembly promised to find out the strategies and bring the concern to the government.
Land issues in Phnom Penh including Borey Keila and Bouk Touk is the small amount of compensation; and the cancelled Boeung Trabek, Boeug Kak, and Boeung Chumpun; Railway; and Tumnub Kop Srov is leading to flood in Phnom Penh. Therefore, NGO suggested first commission to observe about such development and RGC should issues the EIA reports.
Forced eviction of Chroy Changva were raised of the conflict on land of 387 hectare in 15 villages of three Sangkat ( Chroy Changva, Prek Leap and Prek Tasek). The estimated of affected people is around 1000-2000 people. People who has the small land size, they received the compensation from Overseas Cambodia Investment Cooperation (OCIC) by the company bought the house in Borey Roung Roeung to them. The approaches for the conflict solution for the remain families; RGC planned to divide the land with people by people will get 10% from their land. Other issues, along the National road number 5A: there is the impact of one house of a woman. They needed the compensation 35000 USD from company.