Lutheran World Federation Tuesday October 24th, 2017 No Comments Lutheran World Federation Contact Dr. Sam Inn, Director Address: #37 St. 592, Boeung Kak, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: 023 881 100 Fax: 023 881 616 Mobile: 012 791 191 Other information Other information: Sector: Human Rights/Democracy (HR) Community Development (CD) INTEGRATION at: Agriculture/Animal Health (AG), Child Welfare/Rights (CW), Community Development (CD), Credit and Savings (CS), Disability and Rehabilitation (DR), Disaster Preparedness/Relief (DP/DR), Education/Training (ET), Environment/Natural Resource (ENR), Gender moment Issues (GW), Health/Nutrition (HN), HIV/AIDS (HA) Human Rights/Democracy (HR) Land Mine/UXO Action/Awareness (LM), Management/Organization al Development (MOD), Support to Cambodian Organizations (SCO) Water and Sanitation (WS), Provincial: Battambang, Kampong Speu, Kampong, Chhnang, Kandal, Takeo,