International NGOs Contact Saturday, der 28. October 2017 No Comments ActionAid International-CambodiaAction on Disablity and DevelopmentAmerican Friends Service CommitteeAustralian Catholic ReliefCare InternationalCatholic Relief ServicesCORDChristian Reformed World Relief CommitteeChurch World ServiceConcern WorldwideDanChurchAid/Christian AidDeutsche Welt Hunger Hilfe – German Agro ActionEnfants et DeveloppementForum SydGroupe de Recherche et d’Echanges TechnologiquesHealth UnlimitedHelpAge InternationalInternational Child SupportIntervida CambodiaJesuit Service CambodiaJapan International Volunteer CentreLutheran World FederationMennonite Central CommitteeNorwegian People’s AidOxfamPACT CambodiaPaz Y Desarrollo (PYD) Spanish InternationalPlan International CambodiaSave the ChildrenSwiss Interchurch AidWildlife AllianceWorld Vision International – CambodiaNGO Committee on the Rights of the ChildNGO Education PartnershipEducamMEDiCAMWorking Group on Weapons ReductionStar KampucheaCOMFRELDisability Action CouncilCommune Council Support ProjectACR/Caritas AustraliaWorld RenewDANMISSIONNon-Timber Forest Products Exchanage Programme for South & Shoutheast AsiaSoutheast Asia Development Program in CambodiaAustralian Catholic Relief Contact Mr. Lay Sothy, Partnership Program Coordinator Address: C/o 72, St 360, Toul Svay Prey I, Chamcar Morn,Phnom Penh Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: 023 220 200 Fax: 023 220 200 Mobile: 012 890 609