There are 431.683 hectares of land areas stretched in Stung Treng, Kampong Thom, Kratie and Prea Vihear provinces was included as Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary by sub-decree on Prey Lang, issued on 9 May, 2016 by Prime-minister Hun Sen. In purpose to ensure the maintenance of wildlife habitat and ecosystems, and to ensure specific conditions for certain types of plant, wildlife and biodiversity. Provide products and services for the sustainable use of natural. Promote participation of local communities and the public to contribute to the management, protection and conservation of biological diversity and natural resources in the region. Ministry of environment is the host of initiative idea and sub-decree also provided the right for this institution on managing this wildlife sanctuary with cooperation to ministry and involved institution of all four provinces.
Before and after period of putting Prey Lang area into wildlife sanctuary, there are many articles published by national and international media base on media tracking of NGO Forum on Cambodia on five news sources, 10 articles was quoted.
The ten articles was quoted raised the satisfaction and comments from Prey Lang’s local people and public, size of Prey Lang land area and mechanism to protect forest, wildlife and biodiversity are commencing topic raised. A article quoted by Phnom Penh Post, an idea from free lance consultant “Dr. Meas Ny” seems not feel confident with the RGC ‘s commitment on natural resources protecting while illegal logging led by officer under supervise of Prime-minister Hun Sen still fund (Phnom Penh Post, 1 April 2016).
However, Mr Phai Boun Leang, Prey Lang network member in Kratie province congratulated to this action and suggested to RGC‘s should has the concrete and effective mechanism to protect forest, wildlife and biodiversity in Prey Land area.