On 15 December 2023, the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) organized its 2023 Annual Members Meeting , focusing on “Multi-stakeholder Engagement for Resilient and Inclusive Society – METRI”.
The objectives of this meeting are as follows: election of new Management Committee members of the NGOF, updates on internal reforms, celebration of key achievements of the NGOF and sharing the latest version of the New Strategic Plan for 2024-2030 or called MERTI 2030.
All members and networks of NGOF celebrated the achievements of the NGOF as well as discussed, clearly understood endorsed and appreciated the new strategic plan 2024-2030 or METRI 2030. Members in attendance also elected new Management Members and approved key areas for bylaws amendment.
On behalf of the staff and management team of the NGO Forum on Cambodia, we would like to express our heartfelt thank all the member organizations, networks, and partners for their attendance in this 2023 Annual Meeting and the NGOF mandate so far and beyond.