Arlington, Virginia in the US, May 21 – 22, 2015: The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF), represented by Dr. Tek Vannara, NGOF’s Executive Director, was invited as the Cambodian representative to the 14th meeting of the UN-REDD Programme’s Policy Board during which support was reaffirmed for the Programme’s 2016-2020 Strategic Framework development process. The meeting – attended by more than 70 participants from 27 countries – including representatives of UN-REDD Programme partner countries, donor countries, UN agencies, indigenous peoples and civil society organizations – was co-organized by Costa Rica’s Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal and UNEP’s Division of Environmental Policy Implementation.
Decisions made by the Policy Board at its 14th meeting included:
- Approving the Programme’s Annual Progress Report
- Welcoming the outcome of the development process of the Programme’s 2016-2020 Strategic Framework as well as next step to finalize the Programme’s 2016-2020 governance structure
- Agreement to review and consider for approval the National Programme proposals of Chile, Myanmar and Peru on an inter-sessional basis
- Recognition of the completion of Ecuador’s National Programme and endorsement of the programme’s final evaluation.
The 15th meeting of the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board will take place the first week of November 2015 in Guatemala, to coincide with the 20th Participants Committee meeting of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility.
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