Staff of the NGO Forum Cambodia (NGOF) organized the 111th International Women’s Day, March 8, 2022. This event aims for International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This anniversary is always celebrated around the world in Cambodia this year under the theme “ Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow “.
On March 07, 2022, NGOF’s staff organized a study visit to Trapeang Pika community forest in Ampil commune, Romeas Hek district, Svay Rieng Province to learn about the leadership of women in the community in the developed and conserved local natural resources. Ms. Mao Nil, the leader of the savings group, stated that the savings group community was established on December 16, 2021. At present, the Trapeang Chan Meanchey Village Savings Group has 35 members (28 women), 03 members committee (2 women). For these two months, the savings group has accumulated 70,000 Riels budget and can continue growth to 45 members. The main occupations to harvest the non-timber products (vegetable, fruits, mushrooms …) and community generate income from feeding fish, chickens and bees.
Prey Chhol Trapeang Pikar Community President Mr. Touch Sreng described that the community has 400 families with an area of 444 hectares. The community was established in August 2003, twice elected by the community leaders: the first led by Mr. Van Wei and the second by himself. Community leaders urge stakeholders to assist them in their business ventures, maintain the market value of their products at a reasonable price, increase their source income for their traditional usage. Actively maintain, protect and preserve in the future. Finally, Dr. Tek Vannara, Executive Director of NGOF, would like to thank Mr. Ros Sam On, Acting Director of Santi Sena and his colleagues, and all the community for their warm welcome and welcome to our presence.