Title |
Author/ Publisher |
Year |
Remarks |
Case Studies |
1 |
Stolen Land, Stolen Future |
APRODEV (Association of World Council of Churches related Development Organisations in Europe) |
2011 |
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2 |
Does Large Scale Agricultural Investment Benefit to the Poor? |
Ngo Sotath and Chan Sophal, Cambodian Economic Association, published by the NGO Forum on Cambodia |
2010 |
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3 |
Economic Land Concessions and Local Communities |
Ngo Sotath and Chan Sophal, Cambodian Economic Association, published by the NGO Forum on Cambodia |
2012 |
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4 |
Land Grabbing & Poverty in Cambodia: The Myth of Development |
39934 |
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5 |
Cambodia: Land Cleared for Rubber, Rights Bulldozed. The impact of rubber plantations by Socfin-KCD on indigenous communities in Bousra, Mondulkiri |
Oct-11 |
6 |
Increasing Pressure for Land – Implications for Rural Livelihoods in Developing Countries: The Case of Cambodia |
Welthungerhilfe |
Oct-12 |
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7 |
Fast Wood Plantations, Economic Concessions and Local Livelihoods in Cambodia |
Dr. Carl Middleton and Mr. Hak Sokleap, published by the NGO Forum on Cambodia, Oxfam, USAid, EWMI, EU |
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8 |
The Impact of Economic Land Concessions on the Local Livelihoods of Forest Communities In Kratie Province, Northeastern Cambodia |
Touch Siphat |
Mar-09 |
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General Articles, Background Information |
1 |
Land Concessions for Economic Purposes in Cambodia: A Human Rights Perspective |
United Nations Cambodia Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights |
Nov-04 |
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2 |
Land Concessions for Economic Purposes in Cambodia: A Human Rights Perspective |
United Nations Cambodia Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights |
2007 |
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3 |
Addressing the Environmental and Social Challenges Resulting from Large- Scale Agricultural Land Concessions in Cambodia and Lao PDR, |
WWF, WWF MPO and WWF GMPO (Cambodia and Lao Offices) |
July 5 2007 |
4 |
Rights Razed – Forced evictions in Cambodia |
Amnesty International |
Feb-08 |
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5 |
Pro-poor land distribution in Cambodia |
Bickel, Matthias, Löhr, Dirk |
Jul-05 |
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6 |
Land is Life, land conflict interventions in Cambodia, review of case studies and NGO perception |
Kathleen o’Keefe, NGO Forum on Cambodia |
Sep-09 |
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7 |
Poverty and Social Impact Assessment of Social Land Concessions In Cambodia: Landlessness Assessment” |
Biddulph Robin |
February 2004 |
Oxfam GB, GTZ |
8 |
Losing ground: Forced Evictions and Intimidation in Cambodia |
Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee, (CHRAC) |
Sep-09 |
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9 |
Political Dynamics of Land-grabbing in Southeast Asia: Understanding Europe´s Role |
Transnational Institute (TNI): Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Jennifer C. Franco |
Aug-11 |
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10 |
Commune Based Land Allocation for Poverty Reduction in Cambodia, Achievments and Lessons Learnt from the Project: Land Allocation and For Social and Economic Development (LASED) |
Dr. Franz Volker Mueller, GIZ, |
2012 |
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11 |
United Nations Cambodia Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights |
Human Rights Perspective on Economic and Other Land Concessions in Cambodia |
2007 |
12 |
Carving Up Cambodia: One Concession at a time |
A Joint LICADHO / Cambodia Daily Analysis |
9,10. March 2012 |
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13 |
A turning Point? Land, Housing and natural Resources Rights in Cambodia in 2012 |
Feb-13 |
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14 |
Directive 01BB in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia , Issues and impacts of private land titling in indigenous communities |
Rabe, Alison |
Mar-13 |
available upon request |
14 |
The Politics and Ethics of Land Concessions in Rural Cambodia |
Neef, Andreas, Siphat Touch, Jamaree Chienthong; Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 2013, |
Year 2013 |
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15 |
A human rights analysis of economic and other land concessions in Cambodia* |
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya P. Subedi Addendum |
26. September 2012 |
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Legal Framework |
1 |
Land Law 2011 |
Royal Government of Cambodia |
2001 |
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2 |
Sub-decree No. 118 ANK/BK on the State Land Management |
Royal Government of Cambodia |
07th October 2005 |
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3 |
Sub-Decree No. 146 on Economic Land Concessions |
Royal Government of Cambodia |
27th December 2005 |
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4 |
Law on Concessions |
Royal Government of Cambodia |
2007 |
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5 |
Royal Government of Cambodia No.01 BB |
7th May 2012 |
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Others |
1 |
MAFF’s Intervention on Economic Land Concessions at the third CDCF |
DR. Chan Sarun, Minister of Agriculture |
June 2010, 5p |
2 |
MLMUPC’s Intervention on Land rights of smallholders and indigenous communities at the 3rd Cambodia Development |
Im Chhun Lim, Senior Minister, MLMUPC |
3 |
NGO Forums letter to the Cambodian Prime Minister |
NGO Forum |
2005 |
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4 |
“Settle Disputes, or lose Land” |
Prime Minister of Cambodia |
29. August 2011 |
The Cambodian Daily, 29.August 2011, Volume 49, Issue 58 |
Mining Concessions in Cambodia (General Information, Case Studies) |
1 |
The Foundations for Responsible Mining in Cambodia – Suggested Approaches |
Warwick Browne and Daniel Franks Glenn Kendall, UNDP, Policy Brief |
Jun-11 |
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3 |
The Expension of Mining Activities and Indigenous Peoples Rights in the Province of Mondulkiri |
Analyzing Development Issues Trainees (Round 20) and Team, Cooperation Committee of cambodia, CCC |
Oct-12 |
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3 |
So little land; so little time: an exploration of potential opportunities for Cambodia’s indigenous communities to protect their land, livelihoods, and culture’ |
Hill, Andrew, J. Dissertation contributing to an MSc in Poverty Reduction and Development Management, University of Birmingham |
27.August 2012 |
Regional / International (General Information, Case Studies) |
1 |
Guidelines on Business, Land Acquisition, and Land Use: A Human Rights Approach |
Institute for Human Rights and Business |
Draft for Consultation, November 2011 |
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2 |
Conflicts over forests and land in Asia |
RECOFTC: Yurdi Yasmi, Lisa Kelley, Thomas Enters |
2010 |
3 |
The NGO Forum has received Environmental Impact Assessments regarding certain projects from related government authorities |
2013 |
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